Curriculum & Content
Qualification Pack drives both the creation of curriculum, and assessments. Whilst the prerogative and the onus of delivering an effective skilling program through appropriate techniques is on the training provider, MESC recommends alignment of the curriculum with the respective Qualification Pack and expects the adherence to Quality Assurance Guidelines as per NSDC prior to the rollout of each program. This is also imperative for the successful completion of the assessments. Curriculum Alignment Certification (CAC) is the process of verifying that the curriculum for a given course meets the expected outcomes stated in the National Occupational Standard (NOS) or a Qualification Pack (QP). Verification is carried out through a desk review of the curricular documents in the prescribed format. If the outcome of this verification is successful, a compliance certificate is issued to the training provider.

MESC for effective training has developed Model Curriculum and Content for 8 Job Roles under PMKVY.